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Rev, Betty Bowen

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Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany


8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I


10:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II

In-Person and Online


We are so pleased that you have joined us for worship this morning!

We invite you to participate in the worship service as fully as you are comfortable. We particularly want you to know that everyone is welcome join us in Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper!  

Note: We have individually wrapped, gluten-free wafers. If you need one, please tell the priest. If you need Communion brought to you at your seat, please let the Usher know.

When we say "all," we mean children, too! We have tote bags with crayons and paper for them to use during worship, if they wish. A rocking chair and floor space is provided for adults and children who would prefer not to sit in a chair. We also have a staffed Nursery available during services, if you (or your children) would prefer that option.

The bulletin contains page numbers for three books—the red Book of Common Prayer, the blue Hymnal 1982, and the red and black hymnal Lift Every Voice and Sing (LEV). You will find these books in front of you in pew racks, and/or under the seat of our chair. The Celebrant will announce page numbers in the prayer book. Hymn numbers are on the Hymn Board hanging up and to your right, as well as in your bulletin. S-Numbers are service music, found in the first section of the blue hymnal. The readings from Holy Scripture are found in your bulletin. We do have Bibles in each row, so if you want to find the scripture readings in a Bible in their context, you are able to do so.
Following this service, we invite you to share fellowship and an opportunity to spend a little time getting to know each other. We have coffee, juice, doughnuts, hot water for tea, fruit, and often other treats to share. We would love to be able to contact you further. We invite you to fill out an information sheet on the table at the entrance to the church.

To learn more about Trinity Church, or to make an appointment with the Rector, please call the Church Office at 636-949-0160 and leave a message. Thank you so much for being here today!

We look forward to hearing your story and getting to know you better.



We are all broken people, and we have issues that are

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sometimes hard for us to deal with on our own. As a community, we are here to help each other through our difficult and good times.

The Prayer Ministry is to pray with anyone who needs prayer immediately after each Sunday morning Worship Service. A Prayer Minister will sit in the Front Pew, with Name Tag on, to pray with whoever comes forward.

Please know that everyone’s issues are held confidentially with the Prayer Minister. Thank you for allowing us to Minister to you in your time of need.
In addition to private prayer, we also have a Prayer Box on the table in the en-trance to the Church. There is paper and a pen in the box for you to write your prayer need on and a Prayer Minister will check the box each Sunday after Church to add those prayers to others requested.

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