
Red Wagon

Please don’t forget our Red Wagon!
 Please see the “FISH Wish List” below and help us to feed the
September Wish List


Spaghetti sauce/pasta sauce
Canned vegetables - canned fruit

Jello - pudding

Canned chicken
Canned soup

Canned tomatoes
​Canned chili

Tuna helper
Hamburger helper

Broth and gravy
Bag/Box pasta (not canned)
Jiffy corn bread
Mayonnaise - Ketchup - Mustard
Toilet paper - kleenex 

Hygiene Items: 

Feminine products, deodorant, body wash
Kids toothbrushes - Kids toothpaste - Adult toothbrushes
Body lotion
Bar Soap - hand soap - dish soap - laundry soap



  Next Seven Days

Trinity events in Green

September 15  8:00 am   17th Sunday after Pentecost, Rite I, in-person
   9:00AM  Sunday Forum - Rule of Life (St. Hilda Room)
   10:15 AM  17th Sunday after Pentecost, Rite II, in-person /On-line
September 16  10:00 AM   AA Group #496 (St. Hilda Room)
   7:00 PM  Boy Scouts Troop 763 (St. Hilda Room/Parish Hall/Reception)
September 17  7:00 PM     NA (Narcotics Anonymous) (Parish Hall)
September 18  10:00 AM  AA (This is the Solution) (Parish Hall)
   10:00 AM  Bible Study (St.Hilda Room)
   5:30 PM  CMA (Crystal Meth Anonymous) (St. Hilda Room)
   6:30 PM  Choir practice
   7:30 PM  CODA (Co-Dependents Anonymous) (Library)
September 19  7:00 PM  Al-Anon (St. Hilda Room/Parish Hall)
September 20  10:30AM    AA Group #228 (St. Hilda Room)
   6:00 PM  AA Group #1118 (St. Hilda Room)
September 21  10:30 am  Beloved Group (St. Hilda Room)
September 22  8:00 AM  18th Sunday after Pentecost, Rite I, in-person
   9:00 AM  Sunday Forum - Rule of Life (St. Hilda Room)
   10:15 AM  18th Sunday after Pentecost, Rite II, in-person/on-line



Future Events  

 September 24 - Laundry of Love

 September 28 - Prayer Vigil  9 am - 1 pm

 October 19 - Priceless Tag Sale 10 am

 November 15/16 - 185TH Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri


 Episcopal News Service

Always needed


 Adult clothing and shoes

Children's clothing and shoes.
 Toys, Toys!

 Bedding - sheets, pillowcases, blankets, spreads, sleeping bags.
 Kitchenware - pots, pans, dishes, utensils, microwaves, skillets.

 Books, records, CD's, tapes, DVD or Blu-Ray Movies.
Cash donations (Tax Deductible).

This Ministry meets once a month on the FOURTH TUESDAY of each month from 4.00-6.30 pm at the Starcrest Laundromat in the Schnucks Plaza on Zumbehl Road, St Charles.


The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church. Every three years it meets as a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies and bishops from each diocese.




We are all broken people, and we have issues that are

Anyone interested in this Ministry please see, Deacon Betty. It is an easy Ministry and very fulfilling as we reach out to help those in need with funds and supplies to do their laundry.
Next Scheduled Day: Sep 24 4-6:30 PM

Click the General Convention logo to go to www.generalconvention.org to learn more about GC 81!

sometimes hard for us to deal with on our own. As a community, we are here to help each other through our difficult and good times.

The Prayer Ministry is to pray with anyone who needs prayer immediately after each Sunday morning Worship Service. A Prayer Minister will sit in the Front Pew, with Name Tag on, to pray with whoever comes forward. Please know that everyone’s issues are held confidentially with the Prayer Minister. Thank you for allowing us to Minister to you in your time of need.

In addition to private prayer, we also have a Prayer Box on the table in the en-trance to the Church. There is paper and a pen in the box for you to write your prayer need on and a Prayer Minister will check the box each Sunday after Church to add those prayers to others requested.

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