Red Wagon

Please don’t forget our Red Wagon!
 Please see the “FISH Wish List” below
February Wish List


Boxed Foods Including:
Scalloped Potatoes
Au Gratin Potatoes
Tuna Helper
Jello Mix
Jelly or Jam in plastic jars
Mayo - Mustard - Ketchup

(Other food donations gladly accepted)




Future Events  


March 5 - Ash Wednesday - three services

March 16  - St. Patrick's Day Auction

March 23 - Giving Garden Potatoe planting


This Week

February 16 - 8am - Epiphany 4 HE Rite II (in-person

February 16 - 10:15am - Epiphany 4 HE Rite II (in-person & on-line)

February 16 - Noon - Confirmation class (Library)

February 17 - 10am -AA Grop #496 (St. Hilda Room)

February 17 - 7pm - Boy Scout Troop # 763 (St. Hilda Room, etc)

February 18 - 7pm - NA (Narcotics Anonymous (St. Hilda Room)

February 19 - 10am - AA (This is the Solution) Parish Hall)

February 19 - 10am - Bible Study (St. Hilda Room)

February 19 - 5:30pm - CMA (Crystal  Meth Anonymous) ( St. Hilda Room)

February 19 - 6:30pm - Choir Practice (Church)

February 19 - 7:30pm - CODA (Co-Dependents Anonymous) (Library/Parish Hall)

February 20 - 6:30pm - Bell Choir Practice (Church)

February 20 - 7pm - Al-Anon (Parish Hall)

February 21 - 10:30am - AA Group #228 (St. Hilda Room)

February 21 - 6pm - AA Group # 1118 (Parish Hall)

February 23 - 8am - Epiphany 5:  HE Rite I (in person only)

February 23 - 10:15am - Epiphany 5:  HE Rite II (in person & on-line)

February 23 - after each service - Rev Cn Tamsen Whistler 40th anniversity celebration



Anyone interested in this Ministry please see, Deacon Betty. It is an easy Ministry and very fulfilling as we reach out to help those in need with funds and supplies to do their laundry.

sometimes hard for us to deal with on our own. As a community, we are here to help each other through our difficult and good times.

The Prayer Ministry is to pray with anyone who needs prayer immediately after each Sunday morning Worship Service. A Prayer Minister will sit in the Front Pew, with Name Tag on, to pray with whoever comes forward. Please know that everyone’s issues are held confidentially with the Prayer Minister. Thank you for allowing us to Minister to you in your time of need.

In addition to private prayer, we also have a Prayer Box on the table in the en-trance to the Church. There is paper and a pen in the box for you to write your prayer need on and a Prayer Minister will check the box each Sunday after Church to add those prayers to others requested.

Always needed


 Hygiene Items:  Feminine products

Deodorant, Body wash
Kids toothbrushes & toothpaste

 Adult toothbrushes
Body lotion - Bar Soap - Hand soap

Dish soap - Laundry soap
Pots - Pans - Dishes - Utensils - Towels - Sheets
Kids New and Gently Used Shoes and Boots

This Ministry meets once a month on the FOURTH TUESDAY of each month from 4.00-6.30 pm at the Starcrest Laundromat in the Schnucks Plaza on Zumbehl Road, St Charles.




We are all broken people, and we have issues that are

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