
Welcome to Trinity!


    We are delighted to welcome you to worship with us today. Thank you for being here!


    We have two services on Sunday morning: 8 am in-person and not streamed; 10:15 am

worship is in-person and live-streamed via Zoom. During the summer season, between

Memorial Day and Labor Day, we have only one service at 9:15 am Sunday morning.


    We conduct our worship in the church using a traditional worship style. The service follows a format used throught the Episcopal church and is similar to the Roman Catholic Church. We utilize the New English Translation of the Bible for all our readings, the Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing as well as other songbooks for our music. The readings are from a Lectionary, (an organized list of reading for each Sunday or Special Day), and the sermons are based upon those readings.


    When you enter the church, be sure to get a bulletin from the ushers and feel welcome to sit in the chairs wherever you are comfortable. Before the service begins music will be played on the organ. This is a time for quiet mediation as you prepare for worship. Immediately following is the procession where the worship team enters the church and the service formally begins. We stand for the procession, singing a welcoming hymn. Announcements covering recent events or future events are made during the service, preceding the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion.

    The bulletins contains information for each services.  Within your bulletin there are all the Bible readings and hymns with the music. (Today's psalm or canticle can also be found in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). The bulletin gives you page numbers for the prayer book and the hymnals. S-numbers are "Service Music" found in the first section of the blue hymnal.


    In the racks in under your seat or on the seat back, you will find the BCP (red) and a Hymnal 1982 (blue). In the same place, you may find the hymnal Lift every Voice and Sing, along with a Bible.


    All persons, including children, are invited to receive Communion. If you have difficulty walking, please let an usher know, and we will bring Communion to you where you are. We have gluten-free Communion hosts, so let us know if you need one.


    In the chairs, you wil find a welcome card. We ask that you fill that out and drop it in the offering plate so that we may have further contact with you. From 9-10 AM we offer Christian Education for all ages.


    We invite you to join us for coffee hour after each service. We have coffee and some other drinks and donuts and fruit!


Welcome to Trinity!

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