Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

February 16, 2025

Rite I, Holy Eucharist:  8:00 AM
In-Person Only
Rite II, Holy Eucharist:  10:15 AM
In-person and Online

Welcome to

Trinity Episcopal Church
St. Charles, MO!

     We are delighted that you have found us online today!

What We Believe

"Through our Faith, teachings and work, Trinity is focused on making Jesus Christ a living and tangible part of people's lives."

Who we are

Since 1836, Trinity Episcopal Church had been worshiping and serving the city of St. Charles, Missouri, Diocese of Missouri and the World-wide Anglican Communion. 

We are a pastoral-sized parish in with over 180 years of worship in St. Charles, MO.

     To learn more about Trinity Church, or to make an appointment with the Rector, please call the Church Office at 636-949-0160 and leave a message. Thank you so much for being here today!

We look forward to hearing your story and getting to know you better.

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